Eyes Wide Shut Quotes


"This is what you get from making house calls.’’

Dr. Bill

At the beginning of the film, Bill and Alice were dancing at the party where they were invited. Bill admits that they knew almost no one at the party. When Alice wanders why they were invited, he admits that being a doctor who makes house calls has its perks. This scene highlights the idea that while Bill had no extraordinary qualities, the fact that the rich and powerful trusted him helped him advance on the social ladder and made him an important person as well.

"You know why women used to get married, don’t you? (…) It was the only way they could lose their virginity.’’

Sandor Szavost

At the Christmas party, Sandor was the man who flirted with Alice and who proposed to her that they sleep together. When they talked about marriage, Sandor told her that the reason why women got married was not because they wanted to feel secure but because they wanted to be free to have sexual relationships without feeling judged by the society. Sandor’s opinion is different from the one Bill had, that women get married only because they want to feel secure. Even though Sandor had the same ideas as Alice, she still refused to cheat on her husband with him and this proves that she loved her husband.

"No, I’m sure of you.’’


Alice wanted to make her husband jealous and she felt frustrated because he could not imagine Alice cheating on him. When Alice asked him why he was so sure that she was not unfaithful to him, he answered that he trusted her not to cheat on him. After his confession, Alice told him that he should not trust her as much as he did and that she thought of cheating on him. This confession had the purpose of proving that no matter how much someone loves their spouse, they could still be at times tempted to cheat on them and that they could still be susceptible to certain desires they know they are not right.

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