F For Fake Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is it ironic that museums around the world have purchased Elmyr's work?

    The irony of the museum buying Elmyr's work is that the curators are meant to be experts in the art community. Thus, they have the skill set and the tools to be able to spot a fake, but when they buy Elmyr's work they are purchasing a forgery and passing it off to the world as the real deal. Thus, the museums become the phony if found out.

  2. 2

    What famous person from history was their a book written about in the film?

    Howard Hughes is the famous subject of Clifford Irving's fake autobiography that he wrote to make money. Irving used Elmyr's understanding of fakes to move forward with the book in order to rake in a substantial amount of cash by fooling the public.

  3. 3

    What is the symbolism of Welles wearing a cape throughout the film?

    Welles wears a cape during the story in order to symbolize his role as a charlatan along with Elmyr and Irving. He is playing the obvious magician for the audience, but he also is showing how one can build trust as the main attraction that the audience will buy into. Thus, when he reveals he isn't telling the truth he is pulling the curtain back to reveal his magic tricks.

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