Fantastic Tales Irony

Fantastic Tales Irony

Love and revelation

The fact that love was used as a vital component of the revolutionary tool was entirely paradoxical. During coercion, torture, and repression, the black activists rallied people to put their hatred aside and embrace love which acted as a catalyst to fuel the revolution. Therefore, the subjugated were able to get the energy to fight against the oppressor.

The paradox of economic policies

The economic policies should be tailored to serve all people regardless of their origin. Ironically, the reader realizes that the policies are discriminative by intentionally denying the people of color from attaining their potential to compete favorably in the market. Therefore, economic policies have no meaning when they look good on paper but fail to achieve the intended purpose.

The satire of organized intolerance

The central satire is that despite the rampant campaigns and reforms against bigotry, it is saddening that systematic racism is in force behind the scenes. It is hard to conceptualize, but the reality is that systems are put in place to ensure that the white elite maintains supremacy. For instance, there are high standards for people of color to achieve certain goals in life because they do not have the opportunities to rise to the top. The elites use methodical bigotry because they can choose black puppets as leaders in case of upheaval, but they protect the interest of the whites.

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