Fantastic Tales Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Fantastic Tales Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Hell in the stories is symbolized by weird ghosts, sorcery, and spiritualist creatures in the eastern region of Asia. The fantastic fairy tales represent the supernatural world powered by Italian fiction to show readers the capability of the dark world. For instance, the stories talk of the practice of sorcery and the appearance of mystic creatures in Eastern Asia which depict the mysteriousness of the world.

The symbolism of laziness

The author figuratively uses the character Gubart in the story 'Captain Gubart's Fortune' to represent laziness. Gubart does not want to work, but he wants to feed his family by playing the violin, which he has no talent for. People are not interested in listening to him when playing violin because he forces himself to do so. According to people, Gubart should not only be fertile in siring children but should also put more effort into working to provide for his family.

The symbolism of corporeal possession

Corporeal possession in 'A Spirit in the Raspberry' is symbolized by the itching ghost that takes an opportunity to create havoc in human beings. For instance, Baron B finds himself having a body that does not belong to him. The ghost has a way of implanting a different body in Baron as a way of manipulating him.

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