Fatal Attraction Imagery

Fatal Attraction Imagery

Opening Image

The opening imagery of the film shows New York City in a panning shot. This shot ends on a single window in an apartment building; the imagery shows that this is just one story in a world full of them.

Locked In

After Alex and Dan meet, the camera shows Alex's point of view as she watches Dan leave with his wife. The imagery shows that Alex is locked in on Dan and that there is more to her gaze than simply to look on casually.


Dan has just exited the meeting at the publisher's office where Alex was in attendance. We see him framed by the darkness of the building's passage into the downpour of rain in the street where he sees Alex. The imagery shows that Dan is walking into a storm both figuratively and literally.

Push In

Dan has just returned from his first night of the affair with Alex and stands in the shower. The camera pushes in on him as we can see him through a narrow opening from the shower curtain. Here, the imagery shows that his actions are closing in on him.

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