Fatal Attraction Irony

Fatal Attraction Irony

If Looks Could Kill

Jimmy is stared down by Alex at a party in the beginning of the film. He says, "If looks could kill" about her. Ironically, Alex becomes so violent that she attempts to murder Beth and Dan in their home.


Dan tells Alex that his mother asked him to represent her in her divorce from his father. Ironically, she said he's been a witness to his father's acting like a jerk to her his entire life.

Heart Attack

Dan fakes a heart attack in the park, which Alex doesn't care for. Her father died of a heart attack she tells him. Ironically, Alex has made this up in order to get back at Dan instantly for what he has done.

His Bed

Dan goes to the police to see if they can stop Alex from continuing to harass him. Ironically, the cop tells him they can do nothing if she hasn't done anything. That he must lie in the bed he's made.


Dan has Beth get on the phone with Alex, and Beth tells her that if she comes near her family again she will kill her. It seems that the affair is officially over. Ironically this sparks Alex in to kidnapping Ellen and attempting to kill Beth and Dan.

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