Ferris Bueller's Day Off Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why does Jeanie help Ferris at the end of the film?

    Jeanie has been trying to catch Ferris in his lie about being sick and needing to stay home from school. She knows that he's manipulated their Mom and Dad and she won't have it and needs to prove it. She has Ferris right where she wants him when Rooney has Ferris cornered outside their home because he's taken the spare key to the back door Ferris is trying to sneak in. Jeanie could rat Ferris out, but doesn't. She thanks Rooney for returning Ferris and hands him his wallet which he left when he broke into their home earlier in the afternoon and Jeanie found him (and kicked him in the face). She helps her brother in the end because she isn't out to ruin his life, as Rooney is by trying to make him take another year of high school, but rather she just wants to have the freedom her brother does to get away with things. But not at the cost of the punishment Rooney seeks to put on Ferris. She won't let an adult who is doing the wrong thing (breaking and entering) have a victory over someone who she actually loves.

  2. 2

    How does Ferris get Sloane out of class for the day?

    Ferris has called in sick and Mr. Rooney, the principal of the school, believes he isn't actually sick at all. So when a call comes in for Sloane from her father Rooney believes it's Bueller and disrespects him on the phone telling him he will not let her out of school even though there's been a death in the family. But, Ferris has had Cameron call in and pretend to be Sloane's Dad. So when Ferris calls in to ask Rooney to have his sister get his assignments the principal goes into a panic believing that he's actually just insulted Sloane's actual father and grants her permission to leave school.

  3. 3

    Why does Cameron kick his father's Ferrari?

    Cameron has let Ferris take his Dad's prized Ferrari out for the day even though he knows his Dad will be upset. The car ends up being taken out for a joy ride by the valets that they leave it with while they are having an expensive lunch in the city. Cameron sees that they've put a crazy amount of miles on it, which his Dad checks regularly so they decide to run the car in reverse while it's lifted on a jack in order to try an get the miles to come off. But while it is running Cameron begins to kick his father's car, denting the front bumper because his Dad loves the car more than he loves him. Once he's done he rests his foot on the hood and the car spins off the jack, out of the glass window of the garage and plummets to the forest below. Cameron chooses to tell his Dad the truth about what happened rather than letting Ferris take the blame. He wants to be honest with his father from here on out.

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