Gathering Blue

Gathering Blue Analysis

Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry is a heart-wrenching story about cruelty, cunningness, pain but hope, love and friendship as well. This story is undoubtedly appealing, for the main character of it is so kind-hearted and caring that it is impossible to stay indifferent. In such a way, it wouldn’t be a mistake to consider the novel a useful and extremely needed reminder of importance of being humane.

The main character of the novel Kira differs from others. It is not only because of her remarkable beading skill s, though her work is rightfully amazing . The main reason of her being treated differently is her twisted leg. It is a wonder that she wasn’t killed right after her birth, for people with physical disabilities are not tolerated in the community. They say that they can’t work, thus they are useless. Kira’s mother has to defend her newborn, for she, unlike others, can see not a cripple but a little person. As it turns out to be she is completely right, for Kira has a unique talent to create beautiful decorations. However, this skill is not extremely valued by the rest of the community, for they are more interested in living “ a life ” which consists of quarrels, physical violence, giving birth to children so that they could use them for work and hunting in the future . There is no place for arts, except the Gathering, the annual celebration. Their own idea of what a useful and useless job is gives them a right to treat those, who can’t perform physically demanding works worse than dirt. One might assume that all that injust ice, poverty and hostile glances of other villagers can make her be bi tter about the whole situation and the world, but it is not really so. Of course, the girl wants to be accepted, but she also understands the way the local society functions. In spite of her young age, she understands the importance of a dialogue. She is like that rare blue color she longs to make ! It is not a coincidence that people from Kira’s village doesn’t know how to create it, for blue stands for everything they are not. Blue is a color of serenity, bliss, happiness and harmony, while the people of her community could be described as violent and harsh. Kira is rewarded for her strengths and a big heart with true friends, who make her life less lonely . Her father had been betrayed and her mother was killed, but she is not alone, for there are the friends by her side. Kira, Thomas, Matt and Jo prove that kindness might be found in the most unlikely place.

One more important theme in this novel is fears and how they influence our lives. The Guardians use it to not lose authority. There is not a thing they wouldn’t do for it. However, as soon as Kira and her friends learn the truth, the Guardians are doomed, because lies are not a solid ground for building the society. In other words , Gathering Blue is like a friendly reminder for all of us to be both kind and fearless, for neither cruelty nor fears is suitable for a happy life.

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