Glengarry Glen Ross Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is the relationship between Roma and Lingk so important to this play?

    Roma is one of the top sales guys. He's always closing. But, the importance of him selling Lingk specifically is important because it reveals that Roma is a predator. He seeks out--like a wild animal--the weakest among him and preys upon them in order to get what he wants: the money.

  2. 2

    What is the importance of the conversation between Aaronow and Moss regarding the sales leads?

    Moss and Aaronow are heard talking about stealing the hot leads that Williamson has locked away in his office in order to sell them to competitors. Mamet uses this scene to set up the suspense in the play. We now suspect that it was Aaronow and Moss that broke into Williamson's office, and it keeps us off the trail of Levene until he blunders and reveals he knows Williamson didn't cash the Lingk check which gives him away.

  3. 3

    What is the significance of Williamson giving Levene the Nyborg family to sell?

    Williamson holds back sales leads from Levene because he doesn't like him. He doesn't like the way he's spoken to him by berating him the entire times he's worked their. So, when Levene believes he's close on a sale with the Nyborgs it's all for not as Williamson gave him that lead to first, shut him up about leads and second, because he knows the Nyborgs have no intention to buy. They are an old couple that simply are lonely and want to spend time with salesmen because they enjoy talking to them.

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