Glengarry Glen Ross Quotes


"Did they get my contracts?"


Roma asks this of Williamson after he learns that the office has been burglarized. His statement shows his concern for himself and his need to ensure that his sales have gone through so that he gets paid what's due to him.

"I don't get on the board the thirtieth, they're going to can my ass. I need the leads. I need them now."


Levene is saying this to Williamson who is refusing to give out the new "hot" leads to him. Levene needs the leads because in the sales competition if you aren't on the board you get canned by Mitch and Murray.

"What I'm saying, what is our life? It's looking forward or it's looking back. And that's our life. That's it."


Roma says this to Lingk while at the restaurant. Roma is using his ability to find weakness in Lingk in order to make him feel as though he's never done anything in his life, thus allowing Roma to make a sale to the man based on working up his thoughts about never having done anything with his life.

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