Day 2

Great Expectations Lesson Plan

Discussion of Thought Questions

  1. 1

    In the first volume of the book, who are Pip's true and trusty friends?

    Answers may vary. Students may state, for instance, that, at this point, Pip can rely on Biddy and Joe to be solid friends to him. They support him, are kind to him, and tell him the truth as they see it. They have his best interests at heart.

  2. 2

    If Pip had never met Miss Havisham, would he have been happy in his life?

    Answers may vary. Students may answer, for instance, that Pip could have found happiness in his original situation. He could have been apprenticed to Joe and learned to be a blacksmith, eventually settling down somewhere away from his sister.

  3. 3

    What predictions can be...

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