Day 2

Hamilton Lesson Plan

Classroom Activities

  1. 1

    Recreating History (Day 2)

    Kind of Activity:

    Long-term Project


    Students will draft a section of their project

    Common Core Standards:

    CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.7; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.2


    Students should by now have finalized their topic and genre for the Recreating History project. As they begin to work on the project in earnest, they should consider the following guiding questions as they draft their first of five sections today:

    * You know the overall story that you are telling; what is the story or driving idea of this one part?
    * What images/movements/ideas convey that story?
    * What makes you connect to this part of the story?
    * What would you want...

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