History of the Peloponnesian War Characters

History of the Peloponnesian War Character List


Thucydides is the author of the History of the Peloponnesian War. He is believed to be and often described as the forefather of scientific history, because he didn’t bear any bias in his works and remained neutral, despite his position. He was excellent at analyzing and gathering evidence, as well as retelling the happening that were going on around him. During the war he was capturing in his works, he himself was an Athenian general, with a splendid talent for understanding humans at their core.


Pericles was a highly important and talented Athenian statesman and general during the Peloponnesian war. He managed to keep Athens together, fighting towards a common goal in a way no other general before him had managed, and never would. He was a founder of the Athenian democracy and he held a great part of the Athenian pride. He died of an epidemic that broke out towards the end of the war, claiming his life and a third of Athens' population.

Agis II

King Agis the second was the 18th King of the warrior state Sparta. He ruled during the Peloponnesian war. He wished greatness and prosper to be delivered over his country and fought with dignity to conquer Attica and the rest of Athens. He and his company sued for peace as there seemed to be no end with the battles, which Athens signed, but didn’t honor, as they later decided to attack.

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