In the Name of the Father


In the Name of the Father is a 1993 film directed by Jim Sheridan about the Guildford Four.

In the Name of the Father may also refer to:

  • In the Name of the Father (2006 film), an Iranian film by Ebrahim Hatamikia
  • In the Name of the Father (album), an album by Altar
  • In the Name of the Father (novel), a 1978 novel by Tony Ardizzone
  • "In the Name of the Father", a song from the 1995 Black Grape album It's Great When You're Straight...Yeah
  • "In the Name of the Father", a song from the 2003 Jay Chou album Yeh Hui-Mei
See also
  • Trinitarian formula, which begins with the words "In the name of the Father"
  • In the Name of My Father – The Zepset – Live from Electric Ladyland, a 1997 album by The Jason Bonham Band
  • Name of the Father, a psychoanalytic concept
  • In the Name of the Führer, a 1977 Belgian documentary film

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