Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark Characters

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark Character List

Indiana Jones

Dr. Indiana Jones is a professor of archaeology, but one who often finds himself scouring the globe to find rare artifacts. In this adventure is going after the Ark of the Covenant which he isn't sure holds the actual power everyone says it does. He must overcome Nazi forces that are also after the Ark. He is in love with Marion, but their relationship is a rocky one. Indiana also wields a bullwhip and a pistol along his journeys and knows how to handle himself when it comes time to fight. Even though he gets great fulfillment from finding these ancient artifacts he can be trusted to do the right thing even while being flawed.


Marion is Indiana's love interest in the film. A strong woman who's full of fight, she owns a bar in Nepal and when Indy reappears in her life she doesn't want anything to do with him. But they are forced into joining forces as the Nazis are after a headpiece that is a clue to finding the Ark. She and Indy rekindle their romance on the journey to find the ancient artifact.

Dr. Rene Belloq

Dr. Belloq is a French archaeologist who is Indiana's primarily rival in the film. They were once friends, but Belloq plagiarized Indy's work which won him awards. He soon turned his talents to the black market where he's become a mercenary for hire. He's been hired by the Nazi regime to find the Ark of the Covenant.


Major Arnold Toht is an agent of Hitler's Nazi Gestapo. He attempts to torture Marion for the headpiece, but Indiana stops him. Toht attempts to pick up the headpiece before leaving Marion's bar but burns his hands as the artifact had been heated by the fire consuming the place. The Nazis are able to make a crude reproduction of the headpiece, but in the end Toht who never believed in the supernatural is killed when the Ark of the Covenant is opened. His face melts off from the extreme fire created upon the Ark's opening and he is swept away as his body become mere ashes in the wind.


Sallah is an Egyptian excavator and friend of Indiana's. He helps to guide Indy to the location of the Ark and to protect him and Marion from the Nazi forces that are attempting to find the Ark and kill anyone who stands in the way of their desire for the Ark.

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