Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark Imagery

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark Imagery


Indy takes the golden idol and replaces it with a bag of sand believing he is going to get out of the temple. However, the bag of sand begins to dip into the stone, and the imagery creates a sinking feeling as we know that danger is right ahead for Indiana to have to escape from.


We watch as Toht attempts to pick up the headpiece that has been in the fire. It burns his hand severely, and the imagery we feel is his flesh burning and experience the pain as his melting flesh smokes and causes him to run out of the room screaming.

One Shot

Indiana has just fought his way through the streets, and now faces a giant man dressed in black who wields a very large sword. Indy pulls out his pistol and shoots the man. The imagery reveals how an overwhelming enemy can be taken down by shooting rather than engaging that enemy.

Towering Above

We see Indy thrown into an ancient Egyptian tomb. The camera angle shoots from within the tomb up at the Nazis. The imagery makes us feel as if we are being buried with no hope of escape, just as Indiana is.

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