Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Summary

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Summary

Steven Spielberg's Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was released in 1984 and is set in 1935 Indiana escaped crime lord Lao Che with an eleven-year-old boy and a nightclub singer Willie Scot. Indy escapes Shanghai on an airplane, but they don't know it's owned by Lao Che. Though three people are asleep the pilots notice them and dump the fuel and the parachute. Right before the plane crashes, Willie and Indy jump out of the plane on a life raft. When they slide down the mountainside they crash again into a river with roaring currents. Eventually, they find a village. When there, the villagers believe that they are going to retrieve the sacred lingam stolen from them.

Also, they want them to save their stolen children that are also slaves. They are at a nearby Pankot Palace. During the journey, India thinks that there may be one of the five fabled Sankara stones that promise fortune and glory. When the three get there they are welcomed by the Prime Minister of Pankot Palace they are allowed to stay there for one night as a guest only. Later in the night, Indy is attacked by an assassin, which soon leads to Willie believing something is wrong. After Indy kills the assassin, they discover secret tunnels that are all booby-trapped. When they reach the underground temple they find here the Thuggees worship Kali with human sacrifice. They also see him burning a victim alive by slowly dropping him into a lava pit.

The Thuggee are in procession of three of the five Sankara stones and Ram wants world domination. When the three try to get the stones they get caught quickly and Indy, Willie, and Shorty are captured and separated. Indy was torched by being whipped and forced to drink a potion called the Blood. Shorty escapes into the temple where he burns Indy to get the potion out of him. The three retrieve the stones and let the kids escape. The trio escape but not without them being chased. At the end of the movie the bridge gets cut and they are hanging on for their life. Soon the British army shows up with rifles and saves them all.

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