Day of Rest (Simile)
Josie describes Morgan's Falls for Klara, saying it is “like the waterfall knows about it being a Day of Rest” (88). Josie imbues the waterfall with a sense of consciousness and sanctity. The phrase also suggests that it aligns with the peace and calm associated with Sundays. This simile reflects Josie’s deep emotional and even spiritual connection to Morgan's Falls and her desire to share that with Klara. Furthermore, this simile highlights Josie’s wish for the waterfall to be a place of solace and significance. It also reflects the human tendency to ascribe meaning to places and experiences that offer comfort. Thus, Josie’s perception of Morgan’s Falls as having a special awareness underscores the depth of her attachment to the place.
A Window to the World (Simile)
Klara describes the experience of riding in the front seat of the car: “it was like the difference between mid-store and the window" (106). She experiences a detailed view of the landscape, akin to stepping from a restricted vantage point to one that offers an immersive perspective. It reflects her newfound ability to appreciate the richness of her surroundings. This enhanced perspective also mirrors Klara’s growing understanding and engagement with the world around her. Thus, it represents a deeper emotional connection as she continues to integrate into Josie’s life and family.
Emotions (Simile)
From her inception, Klara is extremely curious about the world around her and the people who inhabit it. While in the window she watches the people out on the streets, studying their faces to see what sorts of emotions they are feeling. Some of those emotions are obvious, while others are less so. At one point she says of them, "they were perhaps like the shadows made across the floor by the ceiling lamps after the grid went down" (20). (The grid she is referencing is the store gate that comes down in the evening.) By using this simile Klara is indicating how ambiguous, mysterious, and ephemeral people's emotions are, and how tough it is going to be for her as an AF to master reading them.
Fly (Simile)
Klara decides the best way she can save Josie is by appealing to the Sun directly. She plans to travel to McBain's barn, which is as close a place as any to where the Sun resides, but it's a difficult journey for her. It is hard for her system to process the terrain and all of the sensory experiences, so Rick ends up coming to her rescue. He says, "I have to say, from up there, you looked like one of those flies that buzz around blindly on the window pane" (157). This is a useful simile in conveying just how alien Klara actually is sometimes.
House with Many Rooms (Simile and Metaphor)
There is an argument among the adults about whether or not there is something essential about a human being, and whether or not an AI could learn it or possess it. Klara thinks that "it might indeed be the hardest part of Josie to learn. It might be like a house with many rooms" (216), using a simile to convey the magnitude of her potential task. She goes on to talk about the house with many rooms in a metaphorical way, for she does think that the house has to be limited at some point, meaning she will be able to "be" Josie.