1 What year was the novel published? 2020 2002 2021 2000 2 Critics say the novel is similar to which other Ishiguro work? Never Let Me Go Remains of the Day The Unconsoled The Buried Giant 3 Where is the novel set? America France England Canada 4 Who narrates the story? Josie A third person Klara The Mother 5 Rosa is sweet but not that ___. observant helpful useful pretty 6 B2 models have a hard time ___. understanding commands working with children receiving updates absorbing the sun 7 What does Klara like to look at outside? Everything The people The building The taxis 8 Josie has a recognizable ___. smile way of speaking nose walk 9 Klara is known for being very ___. funny intelligent helpful pretty 10 Where does Manager say is the best place to get chosen? The middle Everywhere The back The front 11 How does Klara view the Sun? Like a god Like a friend Like a father Like a tool 12 The Sun helps revive ___. Rex AF Raincoat Man Coffee Cup Lady Beggar Man 13 What does the Cootings Machine do? Cleans the air Cleans the water Makes pollution Controls AFs 14 Why doesn't Klara want to go with the spiky-haired girl? She is afraid of her. She wants to wait for Josie. She does not like her. She wants to go with a boy. 15 How does Manager treat the AFs? Cruelly Lovingly Kindly Indifferently 16 When Josie returns, she looks ___. meanner thinner prettier younger 17 What sort of questions does the Mother ask of Klara? About her qualifications About Josie, and to do her walk About her history About the different AF models 18 What is the Mother like? Elegant and tired Smart and cruel Dowdy and kind Witty and warm 19 How does Melania Housekeeper initially feel about Klara? Indifferent Annoyed Scared Pleased 20 Which room has the best Sun? The open plan The kitchen The bedroom The office 21 What morning ritual is important for the Mother and Josie? Quick coffee TV Breakfast Check-in 22 What art is Josie talented at? Knitting Drawing Sculpture Cello-playing 23 What does Klara like to watch? Wind The sunrise Rainstorms The sunset 24 Mr. McBain's barn is where ___. the Sun sets the Sun rises the animals live the plants grow 25 What is an "oblong"? A television A recording device A book A computer/phone