Lawrence of Arabia Characters

Lawrence of Arabia Character List

T.E. Lawrence

Lawrence is a British soldier who is assigned to go into the Arab desert in order that the British military might gain a foothold with their forces for help in the war. Lawrence has a heart for the Arab people and symbolically becomes one of them in their pursuit of freedom through unity of their tribes. This British soldier is a dreamer, but one who truly believes the miraculous can be done, and with his leadership it is accomplished. He is able to unite tribes and use their forces to win battles against the Turks and eventually take the city of Damascus for the Arab people. Lawrence dramatically changes after being tortured and his nonviolent belief system goes out the window and he seeks to be sent home, far far away from the desert and the war that he has been fighting.

Prince Feisal

Prince Feisal l is the head of an Arab tribe. Lawrence counsels Feisal and receives good men to travel with him in order to capture cities for Feisal. The Prince seeks to rule his people and is willing to do whatever it takes in order to increase his power and rule from Damascus.

Sherif Ali

Sherif is one of Prince Feisal's finest men who joins Lawrence on the expedition to take cities in the name of the Prince. He helps to lead the attacks against the Turk railway line and becomes very close with Lawrence as they have done many battles together in searching for peace in the desert.

Auda Abu Tayi

Auda Abu Tayi is the leader of an opposing tribe to the of Prince Feisal. But Lawrence convinces him to lead his men alongside Feisal's men in order to claim riches and take control of the city. Abu Tayi takes pride in not being a servant to anyone, but instead taking what he has earned and being like a river to his people. He is a volatile man, who is easily angered. He leads his people in order that they might experience the spoils of war, and for them to grow in their prosperity in the land. He also is one who believes that once he gets what he wants he will leave, just like the British.

General Allenby

Allenby uses Lawrence's victories in order to advance the British army in the desert. He desires to take cities with the French and at the end of the war split to spoils between their two nations, leaving nothing to the Arab people who he is fighting alongside. The same people he is feeding Lawrence with false promises to share with. Allenby is mostly General and part politician as we see that he is connected to the English crown and its desire to expand its territory in the Middle East.

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