Lawrence of Arabia Imagery

Lawrence of Arabia Imagery

Matchstick to Sunrise

Lawrence puts out his matchstick in his typical fashion with his fingertips and Lean cuts to a silent shot of the desert as the sun just begins to rise. The image informs us that the desert is now the matchstick in which Lawrence will travel and the sun will bring great heat. The journey is long and will be painful just as Lawrence has said that putting out the matchstick is painful, the trick is not to think about it. In the same way Lean is showing us this is what the journey will be for him as he sets out.

Entering the Narrow Gate

Lawrence and Tafas are seen riding on camels upon the sand of the desert, and Lean composes an image of the pair entering between a narrow passage created by two ancient pyramids. The image shows us that they are now entering beyond civilization a desert that is vast. The narrow gate represents the hardship that they will have to endure in order to find success.

Creaking Tent

After speaking of Prince Feisal and his people being under British rule, Lawrence is asked to stay behind and talk with the Prince alone. Lean shows the royal tent creaking and swaying from the wind as they discuss what is the right action to take for Feisal. The creaking in the image shows us the gravity of the decision for the Prince and also how delicate the decision is as it could sway his whole kingdom and his power.

Into the Darkness

After meeting with Prince Feisal, Lawrence is in the midst of a major decision as he needs to determine what is the best course of action for the people and how he can facilitate it. Lean shows Lawrence walking in shadow into the darkness of night as the sand blows into him. The imagery shows us the great weight that Lawrence is carrying and the sand as the opposition to his deep thoughts while the darkness of the night is what he must overcome in his mind in order to make a decision that is best for the people.

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