Less Than Zero Irony

Less Than Zero Irony

Beautiful, wonderful, and anonymous

Clay’s father seems to be very, even extremely upset over a death of one “wonderful boy”. This boy is “only eighteen”. Clay’s father talks and talks, discussing this tragic accident with his family members, but when his father, Clay’s grandfather, sadly asks him about a name of that kid, he is not able to give an answer. He remembers that the boy is young, wonderful, and beautiful, but doesn’t bother himself with remembering his name.

Positive vs. negative vibes

Clay and his father are sitting in Trump's; it is clear as a day that the meeting is rather awkward. The father doesn’t even realize how much his son’s life is connected with drugs, while the son is now aware of personal details of his father’s life. Looking at his new Ferrari, he advises his son to see his “astrologer”, because “those planetary vibes work on your body in weird ways”. Nobody actually knows how those vibes work on us, but there is no doubt that cocaine work on a person’s body in a negative way. If there had been any prize for the most ridiculous father’s advice, Clay’s father would win it.

What a wonderful life

Clay’s family gathers together, with probably every member present. Suddenly they start discussing how they would like to die. This is a really strange topic to discuss, while watching how your kids are playing nearby. When Clay’s father asks his mother in what a way she would like to die, she says, “I wouldn’t want to die in any way”.

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