Less Than Zero Themes

Less Than Zero Themes

Drug addiction

Drug addiction is definitely a leading theme in the story. It seems that the characters consume drugs just for fun, just because they have money for do it. When a 15 or 13 years old girl or boy says that she or he can easily get her or his own cocaine, one should question the mental sanity of the society.

Eating disorders

Eating disorders are illnesses which attract more and more attention. The characters of the novel are readers of various fashion magazines, which are known for setting unrealistic beauty standards. No wonder that there is an anorexic character; the scene when she lies on a hospital bed, with dark circles under her eyes and no fat in her body and laughs, while watching workout shows on the TV, leaves a bitter feeling in a soul.

Family relationships

Family relationships are one of the most heart-breaking themes in the story. Clay’s family and families of his friends could hardly be described as happy. There are teenagers, who don’t even know where their parents are now and what they really do. They have money instead of love and there is no warmth in their relationships. Clay’s mother says that he doesn’t look happy, but so does she. Clay knows nothing about his younger sisters and they don’t seem to be interested in him either. All families, which are described in the novel, are not families in the traditional meaning of this concept.

Child abuse

Child abuse is a rather serious crime and this theme is vividly depicted in the novel. A scene with 12 years old girl being raped by Rip and others is a perfect example of those dangers which may await children. Nobody knows what they can do to her and whether there is at least someone to worry about her. Rapists, drug dealers and criminals in this story don’t bother themselves with questions of morality. It should be mentioned that this theme shows not only adult abusers, but also teenage abusers also.

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