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Looking for Richard Character List

Richard III

Richard III is the brother of King Edward. While his brother is dying he sets in motion a plot to kill anyone who could stand in the way of his ascension to the throne, including his brother and his nephews. He manipulates everyone in order to get what he desires, but once the crown is on his head he does not wear it long, as he is killed in battle, punished for his treacherous ways. He is a strangely compelling and charismatic person, in spite of his evil spirit and deformed appearance.

King Edward

King Edward is the king of England at the beginning of the play, but he has fallen ill with a sickness that will soon take his life. He lives long enough to learn about the murder of his son Clarence, about which he is very upset.

Queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth is married to King Edward. They have two young sons together, and Edward is ill, near-death. Once he passes away her sons do not claim the crown, as Richard has them murdered. She fights passionately for the sanctity of her family's blood to remain in power, but without Edward she is no match for Richard's deceit and treachery.


Clarence is Richard's brother. He is put into prison by Richard, but believes that he is there because of the Queen. Richard sends assassins to kill Clarence and he attempts to dissuade them from taking his life. Nevertheless they kill him.


Hastings is the man closest with King Edward. Shakespeare writes that they share the same mistress, and when Edward passes away Hastings does all that he can in his power to ensure that the young son of Edward is the one who ascends to the throne and not Richard. However, Richard outmaneuvers him and Hastings is executed.

Earl of Buckingham

The Earl of Buckingham becomes Richard's ally in his plot to become King. Richard promises to reward the Earl if he is loyal to Richard. However, when Richard finally wears the crown, he denies Buckingham what he has promised him, and the Earl's efforts come to nothing.

Lady Anne

Lady Anne is the wife of a man who was killed in the War of the Roses by Richard. Because of this, she is predisposed to hate Richard, but in an iconic scene, Richard seduces her and makes her his queen.

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