Looking for Richard

Looking for Richard Glossary

iambic pentameter (noun)

A verse structure commonly used in Shakespearean plays. Each line has five metrical feet with alternating short and long syllables.

revels (noun)

lively and noisy enjoyment, especially with drinking and dancing.

hypocrisy (noun)

The quality of having beliefs or ethics that do not align with one's behavior.

Al Pacino (proper noun)

An acclaimed American actor, known for his work on stage and in films.

Richard III (proper noun)

The king of England from 1483 to his death in 1485. The subject of Shakespeare's Richard III and the person and play on which the film is based.

rumination (noun)

A deep, considered thought about something.

thou (pronoun)

archaic or dialect form of "you," as the singular subject of a verb.

deformed (adjective)


The Cloisters (proper noun)

A museum in Fort Tryon Park in Washington Heights, Manhattan, New York City, specializing in European medieval architecture, sculpture and decorative arts.

hysteric (noun)

a person suffering from hysteria, a wildly emotional and exaggerated reaction.

privy (adjective)

having knowledge of something, usually secret or private.

abortive (adjective)

failing to produce the intended result.

humor (noun)

state of mind or mood.

knight (verb)

To give somebody the rank and title of a knight.

exonerated (adjective)

absolved from blame.

atonement (noun)

reparation for a wrong.

relent (verb)

abandon or mitigate a harsh intention.

brutish (adjective)

beastly, violent, or ruthless.

mistress (noun)

a woman having an extramarital sexual relationship, especially with a married man.

strumpet (noun)

female prostitute.

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