Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies Sources and ClassicNote Author

  • Baker, James R. William Golding. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1965.
  • Bloom, Harold, ed. Lord of the Flies: Modern Critical Interpretations. New York: Chelsea House, 1998.
  • Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, Inc., 1954.
  • Olsen, Kirsten. Understanding The Lord of the Flies: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources and Historical Documents. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2000.
  • Swisher, Clarice, ed. Readings on The Lord of the Flies. New York: Greenhaven Press, 1997.
  • Forster, E.M. "Introduction." Lord of the Flies. New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan Inc., 1962. ix-xiii.

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