Teacher Guide

Lord of the Flies Lesson Plan

Relationship to Other Books

The Coral Island. a 19th century Scottish boys-after-shipwreck tale, mentioned at the end of the novel by the naval officer. Golding wrote Lord of the Flies as a refutation of this childhood favorite of his.

• Other “adventure” books with boys, such as Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Roughing It

• Orwell’s Animal Farm, which also adopts allegory form to portray human society

The Crucible, in which children spur a community into mob rule

Robinsonn Crusoe, Swiss Family Robinson, and other stories of survival that would have been familiar both to Golding and to the boys of the novel

LOST, Castaway, Gilligan's Island, and other film and television stories of island...

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