Imagery of night/darkness
Imagery of night is present to intensify the sense of loss during Ruby's and Jude's road to find Liam. Night is also there to intensify the threatening atmosphere, Vida and Jude get taken by the Blue clan and later on Chubs and Ruby are searching for them during the night and get kidnapped as well. Threatening situations are often accompanied by darkness or happening during the night time.
Imagery of winter/cold
The course of action takes place during the winter. It is cold and it intensifies the threatening mood even more. Ruby even recalls a story her parents told her over and over again and it is about her being born during the fierce winter. The moment she recalls this story is when she is on the brink of death in the cold and snow is falling on top of her.
Imagery of rubble
Imagery of rubble is present to showcase the post-apocalyptic mood. There are abandoned homes and supermarkets destroyed as a result of what happened. In the ending chapter rubble is present after the bombing happened; city is destroyed, buildings are on fire and there are shoes, chairs and other parts f everyday life scattered all over the streets.
Imagery of scents
Scents are a part of Ruby's narration as well. Ruby recognizes Cate as having a scent that reminds her of warmth, sun; Liam's jacket has a distinct scent that reminds her of him; scent of bleach in the Children's League, fouls scent at the entrance to the Children's League that reminds her that it was probably a sewer before, scent of smoke in hair that she is unable to wash off after participating in the Children's League operations.