On the Advantage and Disadvantage of History for Life Characters

On the Advantage and Disadvantage of History for Life Character List

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The opening lines of the Preface of this work is a quote from Goethe. He or his works will then subsequently be alluded to or directly commented upon throughout the text. But really all one needs to know about the significance of Goethe as a character is there in the opening paragraph with his affirmation of agreement to Goethe’s demand that knowledge encountered in life which fails to stimulate activity is to be despised.

Franz Grillparzer

Grillparzer was the most renowned and revered Austrian playwright for much of the 19th century. He makes much two brief appearance, but in the second case is extensively quoted by Nietzsche on the subject historical objectivity.

Eduard von Hartmann

Hartmann enters the text pretty late in the game, but is quickly established as a major character with Nietzsche shining a spotlight on him for the next seven pages. Although prolific, Nietzsche will quote extensively from just Hartmann’s most famous book, Philosophy of the Unconscious. Unfortunately for Hartmann, the plethora of quotes are not designed for the purpose of praising him but burying him. Nietzsche devotes seven pages to composing a withering indictment of the book, the author and his theories.

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