On the Genealogy of Morals Metaphors and Similes

On the Genealogy of Morals Metaphors and Similes

“Genealogists of Morals” - "Guilt," "Bad Conscience," and the Like.

Nietzsche writes, “But how is it that that other melancholy object, the consciousness of sin, the whole "bad conscience," came into the world? And it is here that we turn back to our genealogists of morals.” Genealogists are knowledgeable individuals in the subject of morality. Their expertise empowers them to track the evolution of morality throughout centuries.

Presupposition -“What Is the Meaning of Ascetic Ideals?”

Nietzsche declares, “it is certainly best to separate an artist from his work so completely that he cannot be taken as seriously as his work. He is after all merely the presupposition of his work, the womb, the soil, in certain cases the dung and manure, on which and out of which it grows—and consequently, in most cases, something that must be forgotten if the work itself is to be enjoyed.” Likening an artist to a presupposition means that the artist conceives himself in the course of fabricating an artwork. The work represents various aspects of the artist; through the artwork, the artist projects himself. Accordingly, the work is a mirror or echo of the artist.

“War on the senses” - "Good And Evil," "Good And Bad"

Nietzsche writes, "Humanity itself is still diseased from the effects of the naïvetés of this priestly cure. Take, for instance, certain kinds of diet (abstention from flesh), fasts, sexual continence, flight into the wilderness...consider too the whole metaphysic of the priests, with its war on the senses, its enervation, its hair-splitting." The priests are obligated to follow a lifestyle and to uphold a philosophy that requires them repress their sensual desires. Accordingly, they get into war with their innate senses because the senses require a gratification that priests cannot endorse. Obeying the bodily desires would encourage the priests to engage in actions which are religiously deemed sinful.

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