On the Genealogy of Morals Quotes


“The proud knowledge of the extraordinary privilege of responsibility, the consciousness of this rare freedom, of this power over himself and over fate, has sunk right down to his innermost depths, and has become an instinct, a dominating instinct—what name will he give to it, to this dominating instinct, if he needs to have a word for it? But there is no doubt about it—the sovereign man calls it his conscience.”

“ "Guilt," "Bad Conscience," And the Like ”

Responsible individuals strive to honor their promises. The desire to fulfill a word is conscious in the responsible individual's mind. Therefore, responsibility becomes instinctive. A conscience guides a man towards responsibility and honorability. Irresponsible individuals ignore their conscience by engaging in disgraceful acts such as the violation of promises.

"But even in those cases where that antithesis between chastity and sensuality does exist, there has fortunately been for some time no necessity for it to be in any way a tragic antithesis. This should, at any rate, be the case all beings who are sound in mind and body, who are far from reckoning their delicate balance between "animal" and "angel," as being on the face of it one of the principles opposed to existence—the most subtle and brilliant spirits, such as Goethe, such as Hafiz, have even seen in this a further charm of life.”

“What Is The Meaning Of Ascetic Ideals?”

"Chastity and Sensuality" should not be mutually exclusive. Humans ought to balance the two;although, chastity is commendable, humans have sensual desires. Reconciling 'chastity and sensuality' can be instrumental in the development of healthy and amiable human relations. There should be a balance between them. Chastity should not be adulated excessively at the expense of sensuality.

“The thing is obvious:—this initial derivation contains already all the typical and idiosyncratic traits of the English psychologists—we have "utility," "forgetting," "habit," and finally "error," the whole assemblage forming the basis of a system of values, on which the higher man has up to the present prided himself as though it were a kind of privilege of man in general. This pride must be brought low, this system of values must lose its values: is that attained?”

"Good And Evil," "Good And Bad."

Definitions of goodness, evil, and badness are inherently subjective. Accordingly, classifications of “Good, Evil and Bad" vary among individuals depending on their principles and philosophies. The definitions are contingent on the usefulness of the items being defined. Humaneness of the subject is also key in establishing goodness and badness.

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