Othello (1951 Film) Summary

Othello (1951 Film) Summary

The film begins with Othello and Desdemona being carried in a funeral procession, and Iago being strung up in a cage. We then flashback to see Othello and Desdemona getting married in secret. Iago sees it with Roderigo, and Iago decides to set a plan in motion that will bring the great General down. Iago convinces Roderigo to tell Desdemona's father, Brabantio of their secret wedding to which he and men of the community to demand an explantation. Othello tells Brabantio of his very real love for Desdemona and their love is sealed.

Iago, determined to carry out his plan to bring Othello down, begins to convince Roderigo that Cassio is in love with Desdemona. Then Iago gets Cassio drunk which causes him to get into a fight with Roderigo and it eventually turns into a brawl with Montano, for which Othello strips Cassio of his rank. Iago then convinces Cassio to go to Desdemona to plead his case to her and she will help him regain his rank with Othello. He does this, and as he does Iago plants the idea that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair into Othello's mind. He even has Emilia steal Desdemona's handkerchief in order to give it to Cassio.

Cassio is then seen giving it to his mistress who while attempting to give it back to him is seen by Othello. From this Othello believes that Desdemona is certainly betraying him and he sets out for revenge upon her and Cassio. Othello asks Iago for poison to kill his wife, and Iago asks permission to kill Cassio.

Iago then enlists Roderigo to kill Cassio which he fumbles, but Iago is there to finish the job. And, not only does he pierce Cassio with his blade and then kills Roderigo. Othello then goes to kill Desdemona, telling her to confess her sins before he takes her life as he won't kill her before she can be clean before Heaven. He then tells her what he knows of her and Cassio before strangling her to death.

Emilia then comes in to see that Desdemona has been killed, and calls for help. Montano arrives, with Gratiano and Iago as Othello reveals to Emilia the handkerchief as proof of Desdemona's adultery. But, Emilia confesses that she gave it to Iago, but Iago stabs and kills her--his wife. Othello, realizing he has believed the lie stabs himself as Iago is detained.

Othello goes to Desdemona's body and picks her up and tells Cassio and his men to speak of him as he is, of a man who loved a woman and threw his pearl, which was richer than all his tribe, away. Othello then dies from his knife wound.

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