Parallel Lives Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What does Julius Caesar mean when it says, "Let the die be cast"?

    Plutarch acknowledges Caesar as one of the great ancient kings, who was famous and influential. The reader might get confused when reading Plutarch's text because he might think he worked under Caesar. Although Plutarch twisted Caesar's actual sentiments, the statement implied that the dead should rest in harmony without being disturbed. The Roman emperor had respect for the dead, and some traditions ensured that the departed received the respect they deserved. Perhaps, the reader comprehends that Caesar was aware that he was not immortal.

  2. 2

    What is common between Romulus and Theseus, according to Plutarch's analysis?

    Both Romulus and Theseus are legendary heroes of ancient Greece and Rome. Besides being heroic leaders, the author notes that they were responsible for some crimes such as rape when he writes, “Both stands charged with the rape of women…” Interestingly, Theseus and Romulus were born out of wedlock, and that might explain their strong urge of having sexual affairs with multiple women even then they grew old. It is also worth noting that both Theseus and Romulus were not leaders by merit but inheritance. Similarly, the two leaders never lived for what they were meant for because their characters were off the hook.

  3. 3

    Who is Alexander the Great?

    The history of the ancient legendary leaders cannot be complete without mentioning the name 'Alexander the Great.' The name itself depicts greatness. Alexander was the supreme leader (King) of Macedonia who was eminent for concurring and creating all-inclusive territories in antiquity. Surprisingly, Alexander the Great was able to accomplish great myriads of success before hitting thirty. Ironically, Alexander the Great never lived to appreciate his success because he felt that his wishes were not fulfilled during his lifetime. Alexander wanted to be better than Diogenes, something he never achieved, which made him think that he was a failure.

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