Parallel Lives Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Parallel Lives Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Symbolism of concealment

The author figuratively uses the character Aegeus to represent secrecy. Throughout the text, the reader realizes that Aegeus has multiple sexual affairs with different women, and he does not want anyone to know about his immorality. For instance, Aegeus impregnates Aethra and commands her to remain silent. After giving birth to a son, Aethra keeps the secret, and no one knows his biological father.

Rome as a symbol of development

The naming of the capital city of Italy after Lady Roma symbolizes development. The reader realizes that Lady Roma was one of the dynamic people who contributed greatly to the development of Rome. In honor of her development record, the city was named Rome.

The symbolism of autocracy

Autocracy is symbolized by the Kings of Rome, who prioritized their self-interests at the expense of the citizens who wanted equality and development. Unfortunately, the kings like Romulus and Theseus were autocrats but pretended to serve the people's interests. These kings used unfair tactics to gain popularity, but they never served their people with humility and care.

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