Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens Characters

Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens Character List

The narrator

The narrator of the story is an unnamed person. but we know that David is his/her brother.


David is a little boy who is supposed to know Peter Pan very well, and it is David who tells most about Peter to the narrator.

Peter Pan

Peter Pan is a little boy of seven days old, who has escaped from his home and since then does not grow up and stays seven-days-old forever. He lives in the Gardens and has the most funny time among fairies, birds and other creatures. But sometimes he is sad and still remembers what it feels to be a boy.

Solomon Caw

Solomon Caw is a crow who lives on the island in the Serpentine pond in the Gardens. He is the wisest of the birds and it is he who decides what children to send to the mothers.


Maimie is a girl who has once stayed in the Gardens after the lockout time, has seen the ball of the fairies, and has met Peter Pan. Later she presented him with a goat.

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