Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens Quotes


“The reason birds can fly and we can’t is simply that they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings”

The narrator

Each baby has been once a bird; it is the way people get children – the birds send them their own children and when the little birds get to the houses they turn into children. And the very moment the child understands he is not a bird any more – he loses the ability to fly. Flying is the main attribute of birds, and the narrator stay rather simply what is the ground of this attribute – the faith. The faith becomes the key factor for birds’ ability to fly, and at the same time to exist – as they would not have existed if the could not fly. The narrator wants to get to the audience that it is we ourselves that build up our personalities – and to belief in oneself is the best motivator and the best way to succeed in life.

“He thought he had the most splendid time in the Gardens, and to think you have it is almost quite as good as really to have it.”

The narrator

Faith and belief is the main basis Peter’s considerations, if he believes that he plays like a real boy, well he does play so; if he believes that he can fly, he flies. But the sad side of this is Peter’s ignorance, as everything is perceived in comparison, and as Peter Pan had nothing to compare his life with. His illusion that his life is perfect makes it perfect, even if it is really just an illusion. But where is proof that people’s way of regarding their lives is not an illusion? The narrator makes ponder over this.

“It is frightfully difficult to know much about the fairies, and almost the only thing for certain is that there are fairies wherever there are children.”

The narrator

Community of fairies is depicted in the novel as a constituent of childhood, fairies embody childish ingenuousness. Since children before becoming children, live with fairies, they copy everything they have seen in fairy community. That’s why children in most cases do things that humans do not do when grow up – the reason is that they copy the behavior of fairies, which is the complete opposite to the behavior of people.

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