Phantom Thread Irony

Phantom Thread Irony


Reynolds demands that Alma be with him while he works nonstop. Ironically, he needs her in a different way in their personal relationship as he shows at the breakfast table, when he demands should be quiet while he sketches. He desires her, but only in the way he sees fit.


Alma brings tea for Reynolds while he works. Ironically, he rejects the tea which is a gesture of her caring for him. He simply cannot stand to have his process interrupted in anyway, including one that speaks volumes of her care for him.

Barbara Rose

Barbara Rose pays for the Woodcox home. Ironically, Reynolds doesn’t want to go to her wedding.


Cow here’s his mother moaning, and comes to see what is happening. Ironically, as soon as he sees Reynolds in the doorway he turns away as he doesn’t want any confrontation.

Good Luck

Alma prepares dinner for Reynolds and sends the staff away for the evening. She wants to do something nice and intimate for the two of them. Ironically, he rejects this gesture, and sees it as a sign of being attacked by her.

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