Phantom Thread Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Phantom Thread Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Mother’s Hair

Reynolds sews a lock of his mothers hair into the canvas of his suit jacket. It is a symbol of his closeness, of his love and longing for his mother who has passed away.


Reynolds begins his day very specifically at breakfast, he wants it quiet. Breakfast and how it goes is a symbol for how the rest of his day will go; whether good or bad, it all starts for him at the breakfast table.

Flemish Bobbin Lace

Reynolds uses Flemish Bobbin Lace to make a dress for Alma. This material is rare and from the late 1600s. This, the lace is a symbol that Alma is rare to him, as he uses it to create a dress for her.


During a fashion show that he is presenting at the house of Woodcock, we see Reynolds watch through a peephole to see people's reactions to his creations. This is a symbol of his need to be loved and admired for his work.


While ill in his bed, Reynolds sees a vision of his dead mother. This is a symbol of his own very apparent mortality.

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