Pi Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What does the substance in Max's computer symbolize?

    After Max's computer overloads and shuts down we watch has he finds a sticky substance on the processor. The substance symbolizes a machine produces organic matter. That it has become alive through the input of the God number that Max has been able to discover.

  2. 2

    What's the meaning behind using a Wall Street firm in this story?

    We watch as Max is pursued by a Wall Street investment firm for his "talents" throughout the picture. They even give him a mircoprocessor that allows him to continue his work. The use of an investment firm symbolizes capitalism and it's desire to use religion in whatever form will allow them to have the greatest profits. It's not that these people necessarily believe that God is real, but they desire to grow their own power and increase profits. Thus, Aronofsky is showing how corporate America will manipulate the individual and religion in order to win.

  3. 3

    What is the God number that everyone is seeking in this story?

    The God number or God sequence is a number that is said to have been lost. We learn that every letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a number that correlates to it. These numbers then create a sequence for believers to follow and find clues in the Bible. The God sequence is the specific set of numbers that for the letters to spell the true name of God, and if these numbers are assembled the Jewish people believe that they will be given the keys to unlock Heaven.

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