Pi Imagery

Pi Imagery

Toy Bird

Aronofsky shows a man throwing a toy bird into the air. The image shows the opportunity of being free, but at the end of flight it returns to the man who is actually in control. It shows how Max is in a similar situation as he seeks to be free but constantly is returned to a controlling environment that he has created for himself.


Max's computer gets fried and crashes. He opens the mainframe by unscrewing plexiglass that surrounds it. But inside the glass is an ant crawling on the processing system. The imagery evokes a deper understanding that nature will find a way to overtake what man has built.

Do Not Enter

During a subway ride, Max exits one car for another and there is a small "do not enter" sign on the door. The imagery tells us that he is going down a dangerous path and yet ignoring the signs.

Brain on the Platform

We see Max walking on the subway platform towards the stairs. There is a pulsing brain that's been left there. He is all alone. And he takes a pen and begins to poke the brain. Each time he does he gets freaked out that something/someone is behind him until the final time he pokes it a train comes right at him. The imagery shows us that Max is playing a dangerous game with his mind, and in his isolation he will do even more sever things to himself in ordert to solve the problem.

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