Day 5

Pride and Prejudice Lesson Plan

Discussion of Thought Questions

  1. 1

    Does Elizabeth warm to Darcy because she likes Pemberley, or does she like Pemberley because she is warming to Darcy?

    Elizabeth is already starting to reconsider her thoughts about Darcy, and may, therefore, be more predisposed than before to like his estate. The night before she and the Gardiners are to visit Pemberley, in fact, once she has ascertained that Darcy will not be there so that she will not feel embarrassed, she feels "a great deal of curiosity to see the house herself." Or, given that she is extremely taken with Pemberley, she may also reconsider Darcy as she places him within the context of the house (and as she hears about how wonderful he is as a brother...

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