Reamde Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Explain how Neal Stephenson uses the characters Csongor and Peter to bring out the metaphor of overgrown fetuses.

    During her term in captivity, Zula calls upon Csongor and scrutinizes him closely due to his autonomy of the conventional didactic system. She compares him to her ex-boyfriend, Peter, who was self-cultured. Csongor makes a decent living through freelancing work. She feels that any man who went to a posh higher institution of learning is a juvenile because he is anxious about coming out of his console zone to face the realities of life. According to Zula, such men are like overgrown fetuses that should come out of the uteruses rather than waiting to be born.

  2. 2

    How did Richard use a paint-hinted system to track his daily schedule?

    For Richard, the use of color-coding is part of his daily life. For instance, when he sees emerald it implies that it is during dynamic hours and time for commerce activities. Red means there is a remedial crisis and taxation is due. The indigo indicator shows that it is time for family but he considers this as a waste of time because he does not generate revenue out that activity.

  3. 3

    How does Zula react when she becomes conscious that her boyfriend, Peter, has stolen a monetary catalog to Russian mafia using intermediary?

    When Zula realizes that her boyfriend is a thief, she breaks up with him. Peter steals a financial database belonging to a Russian Mafia using Wallace who acts as an intermediary. Zula decides to live an independent life to avoid being connected with Peter who is likely to land her into problems because she is likely to be considered as an aid in his dirty dealings.

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