Reamde Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Reamde Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Blue Family Days

Richard used a color-coded system to track his daily schedule. Green for productive hours and business, read for medical emergencies and taxes and blue for family visits. According to him, spending his day in a blue-zone was pulling himself back as he was out-of-touch with most of his family and felt no connection and only mild irritation from them.

Furious Muses/Fates

Richard keeps imagining various comments and sarcastic anecdotes from his many ex-girlfriends in response to his actions which he felt were awkward and out-of-place given his age and the generation he frequented with. He constantly imagined barbs which his girlfriends threw at him inside his head as though they were some mythical creatures.

T’rain terminologies

There’s a constant motif of T’rain terminologies as Torgai foothills, K’Shetriae mage, warlocks, titans, bandits. Most of these are meant to familiarize the reader with the world as T’rain is an important part of the plot.


The bearskin is an artefact that Richard had been keeping in his family home. The bear was killed by him during his youth and was skinned on the request of a client, but he decided to keep it inside. Fearful of authorities for keeping the bearskin, he carried it and crossed the border, accidentally discovering an old smuggling route which led to him smuggling drugs across the border, which later provided the fund for his game. The bearskin is symbolic of what Richard is capable of and his strong character.

Allegory to mythologies/literary fiction

There is a considerable allegory to Greek Mythology in terms of the hierarchy of gods and literary fiction, particularly of Tolkein in how he created a new language and a lot of references from his works are used in the world of T’rain to make it more believeable and to give it a backstory.

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