Rendezvous with Rama Irony

Rendezvous with Rama Irony

It Is Not an Asteroid

In the year 2077, an asteroid struck part of Europe with devastating consequences, initiating the Spaceguard program to protect Earth. As such, the first assumption when the space object is detected around Jupiter is that it is an asteroid given its trajectory and speed. Not in any particular orbit, the astronauts cannot imagine the near-Earth object to be a spaceship at first. Eventually, they clarify their findings and comprehend it is indeed a cylindrical starship with advanced technology. The first irony in the narrative is discovering the complexity of the object beyond their initial assumptions.

Still an Enigma

The collected data from Sita and the eventual rendezvous by the Endeavour crew begin the journey of understanding the space object. The purpose and destination of the starship are yet to be known as its behavior barely shows or gives any clues. While Rama has a complex system and contents that can give insight into its objective, it only raises more questions than answers. The crew discovers the elaborate constructions and natural phenomena within the ship that surpass any human technology and philosophy. Therefore, the astronauts can hardly decipher the workings of the starship or its nature since it is too advanced or foreign for their understanding.

Pak’s Accident

The crewmember Jimmy Pak is tasked with reaching the southern end of Rama by flying over the ramparts with his skybike. Riding along the axis, he intends to access the metal cones that are not easily accessible due to the cylindrical sea. As a participant in the Lunar Olympics, Pak lost the competition after his sky bike experienced some technical snags. Similarly, Pak crashes with the skybike after lighting hits the electric fields throwing him off to the isolated section.

Not the Center of the Universe

During first contact, the humans already deliberate the purpose of the starship is related to them or Earth in general. Inside the starship, the astronauts name the meticulous constructions after Earthly structures that share the same attributes. For instance, naming the symmetrical buildings after New York and comparing the massive stairs with Aztec Temples. While these are the only references they have, it highlights the notion that humans think they are the center of the universe. The narrator asserts, “They would probably never even know that the human race existed; such monumental indifference was worse than any deliberate insult.” It highlights the discovery that the Ramans probably remain unaware of human existence despite their creation passing through.

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