Rendezvous with Rama Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Rendezvous with Rama Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Rama is the object of interest in the narrative as the human characters take secondary roles in the plot. Upon its discovery, the scientists dub it Rama after the Hindu God known as the god of protection. Its alien origin and sheer size make it enigmatic to humans as they seek to understand its source and purpose. The name of the avatar of Vishnu symbolizes the unknown nature of the space object whose destination is also a mystery.


The space probe sent to investigate the near-Earth object goes to Phobos to meet the Rama halfway. It is named after the god Rama’s partner or wife Sita who is known for her courage, purity, loyalty, and altruism. The unmanned capsule brings back the close-up photographs of Rama that enable the scientists to deduce its nature. The designation of Vishnu’s wife symbolizes the courageousness and selflessness of embarking on this mission into the unknown.

Simps and Biots

The narrative introduces genetically engineered chimpanzees that are aboard the Endeavor and assist the humans. Known as superchimps or Simps they are sexless beings with high intelligence but just enough to perform menial jobs for humans. This same motif is found when the humans inspect the content of Rama and find biots, which are partly robotic and biological. They are both minions conjured to perform their specific tasks and not intended to evolve beyond their specifications.


When Jimmy embarks on an expedition within the starship, he encounters all kinds of phenomena and objects. However, every substance or structure seems foreign and specific to the technology of the Ramans. Jimmy encounters a completely biological flower unlike other creatures in the spaceship. He takes it for further study because it symbolizes the connection between the living things in this artificial world and Earth.

Rule of Threes

The recurring theme in Rama is triads where everything seems to come in threes. Norton notices that the cylinder locks have three redundant ones inside the hull in case of failure. The astronauts encounter this number in every structure including the geometric divisions and bodies. The final assessment that the doctor makes is that the Ramans maintain this motif as everything is done in threes.

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