Reservoir Dogs Characters

Reservoir Dogs Character List

Mr White / Larry Dimmick

A long time friend of boss Joe Cabot, who is hired by Joe along with five other men to carry out a jewel heist. Mr White acts as the anti-hero in the film, as he is the nicest out of the criminals and doesn't agree with the killing of innocent people. He comforts Mr Orange when he gets shot, even telling him, his real first name. He sits with Mr Orange while he is dying until he realises the truth about him.

Mr Blonde / Vic Vega

Hired by Joe Cabot because he is a long term friend of Nice Guy Eddie. He is a psychopath and enjoys torturing people for entertainment. He is very calm in crisis, well spoken with a dark sense of humour. Mr Blonde kidnaps a policeman to get information from him; in doing so he slices the policeman's ear off while dancing around to the radio and then pours petrol over him. He doesn't stop his torture until he is killed. Joe and Nice Guy Eddie automatically rule him out as an undercover cop due to when he was in prison and refused to give information on the Cabots. It is also implied that he was raped while in prison giving him an even darker past, a lot darker than the others.

Mr Pink

One of the criminals whose real name is never revealed, Mr Pink is neurotic but also logical. He is mocked by the other characters and given the name Mr Pink which also amuses them. When Mr Orange is dying he shows a lack of empathy by trying to persuade Mr White to leave him to die so they could have the diamonds. He is a professional criminal and although he is prone to panic he avoids getting his feelings in the way of his work. He is the one who escapes with the diamonds and gets away from the police.

Mr Orange / Freddy Newandyke

His fake back story is that he is an amateur robber and the other characters view him as inexperienced. This results in Mr White taking him under his wing and acting as a mentor. He spends most of the film either in excruciating pain or unconcious. Unbeknown to the other characters until the end, Orange is the undercover cop.

Mr Brown

Played by the director, Quentin Tarantino himself he is the getaway driver for the heist. He plays a very small part in the film and his real name is also never revealed. He stars in the opening scene and talks a lot; however, he is not seen a great deal again.

Mr Blue

Another one of the criminals who plays a minor part in the film, he is the oldest of the six and talks the least. He is killed offscreen and it is unknown what actually happens to him.

"Nice Guy" Eddie Cabot

Joe Cabot's son who helps him run his business. Despite his nickname, he actually isn't a nice character; he is close friends with Mr Blonde and has deep loyalty to him. He disagrees with the kidnapping of the policeman but shows his dangerous side when his father is threatened.

Joe Cabot

A mob boss and boss of the jewel heist. He is not seen much in the film other than at the end and in the process of hiring the criminals. He has a son, Eddie, and treats Mr Blonde like a surragate son. Joe is the one who figures out who the undercover cop is.

Marvin Nash

The policeman who is kidnapped by the criminals and then tortured by Mr Blonde.

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