Reservoir Dogs Summary

Reservoir Dogs Summary

Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs begins with a group of men seated around a diner table, discussing the meaning of the meaning of Madonna’s hit song “Like a Virgin” and the merits of tipping. These men are known to the audience only as Mr. Brown, Mr. Blue, Mr. Pink, Mr. Blond, Mr. Orange, and Mr. White, along with their boss and his son. After the conversation dies down, they depart for their planned heist.

After the opening credits, we open on the interior of a car being driven by a frantic Mr. White. Mr. Orange is in the back, gut shot, thrashing, screaming, and bleeding everywhere. He’s clearly in critical condition, and believe he will die without legitimate medical attention, but since they have just come from a bungled diamond heist, all Mr. White can do is try and convince Orange that he will be fine.

They soon make it to a safe house, and a frantic Mr. Pink arrives soon after, panicking about the heist and the possibility of a rat in their midst. Both are angry with Mr. Blond, who went crazy when the alarm at the diamond depository was pulled and began shooting up the place, attracting a large group of cops to the crime scene. Pink claims he has hidden the diamonds in a safe location, and White begs him to get a doctor for Orange before he bleeds out.

We then see a flashback to Mr. White, who is an old friend of the heist’s mastermind, Joe. Back at the safe house, Pink and White get into a furious argument about White telling Orange his real name, since they cannot be sure he isn’t the rat. They fight until the arrival of Mr. Blond, who seems unfazed by the chaos. Pink and White give him a chilly reception, but Blond tells them that he has a surprise for them in the trunk of his car. The surprise turns out to be a police officer who Blond has kidnapped, and then proceeds to tie up in the safe house.

Mr. Blond now gets his own flashback. We see him meet with Joe and Joe’s son Nice Guy Eddie, who have known him a long time and see him as a son and a brother respectively. He did years in prison and upon getting out, Joe and Eddie have a job for him. Back at the safe house, Mr. Blond begins torturing the police officer, cutting off his ear and pouring gasoline over him in order to set him on fire. But as he lights the match, Mr. Orange shoots him several times in the back, revealing that he is the rat.

Mr. Orange then gets his flashback. We see him meeting with a superior in a diner, who tells him that he must go undercover inside Joe’s next operation. He is given a story to memorize and we see him practice it over and over. The story must have worked, because he is hired on for the heist.

In the present, Eddie, Mr. White, and Mr. Pink return to the safe house to find Mr. Blond dead. Orange tells them that Blond was planning to torch the cop, shoot the others, and escape with the diamonds. But Eddie doesn’t believe for a second that Blond would betray him and his dad, and after Joe finally arrive on the scene, he claims that Orange is the rat. White refuses to believe it, they all pull guns and the standoff lasts until they all fire, leaving Eddie and Joe dead and White mortally wounded. Orange then reveals that he is a cop, and a devastated White shoots him before being himself killed by the Cops. The sole survivor, Mr. Pink, escapes with the loot.

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