Selected Poems of Ben Jonson

Selected Poems of Ben Jonson Analysis

“Conditions of Living”

The speaker in “Conditions of Living” has acquaintances and work but is yearning for love. Love cannot be replaced by comrades and career. The utility of love is distinct from the satisfaction from acquaintances and jobs. Therefore, the speaker’s life can be whole once he experiences love.

“Of Life And Death”

“Of Life And Death” features the Life/Death binary whereby, “the Ports of death are sins; of life, good deeds.” An individual’s spot in the binary hinges on the engagements that he or she takes part. Notably, the binary disbands due to the inevitability of death for both depraved and blameless men. The speaker observes, “For good men but see death, the wicked taste it.” The tactical usage of the terms ‘see’ and ‘taste’ does not negate the reality that both classes of men are mortal. Accordingly, participating in upright endeavors is not a warranty for immortality.

"Natural Progress"

In “Natural Progress”, the binary: Natural versus Unnatural underscores that the conventional progression of life climaxes in death. Swimming signifies the life that one leads after he/she is born. Unforeseen manifestations, in the path of natural progression, cannot forestall the definitive finale for all human beings which is death. Endeavors to circumvent death are unnatural for death is an influential module of life that will emerge ultimately.

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