Selected Poems of Ben Jonson Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Selected Poems of Ben Jonson Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

A Kiss: “Begging Another”

A kiss consummates absorbing love. The speaker in “Begging Another” implores his lover, “For love’s sake, kiss me once again.” The speaker brings up love to exhibit the implication of the kiss to him. Being granted another kiss corresponds to the interchange of love.


Both life and death comprise of divergent ports. The ports designate causative forces. Sin is contributory in death whereas noble deeds magnify life.

Occupation: “Occupation: Father”

Being a father is an exceptional position. The father in “Occupation: Father” is engrossed in being a father. He brings himself down to the level of his son for him to accomplish his profession impeccably.

Abstraction: “Nine Stages towards Knowing”

Abstraction in “Art/in architecture,/in scholar’s detail” epitomizes deception. The abstraction permits artists, architects and academics to amplify their works. The embellishment obscures specifics that would have rendered their works unappealing.

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