She Said Irony

She Said Irony

The irony of Hollywood

Hollywood is viewed as the epitome of success. Every person wants to be a celebrity, which is only achievable when one becomes at the top in Hollywood. Ironically, Hollywood is not what we see because it is full of evils against women. Women celebrities have to exchange sex with the powerful male cartels to give them a platform. Harvey is among the men who control the industry, and he is the prime sexual assault culprit because every woman who has passed through his hands has suffered sexually.

Fear of losing a job

The reader finds it sarcastic that women in Hollywood can keep quiet about the rampant sexual harassment. What surprises readers is that women are ready to protect their jobs by keeping quiet but lose their dignity in silence. Most of the sexually abused women argue that they decided to keep silent because they were threatened with losing their jobs. Women gained the confidence to talk about the sexual abuse after investigative journalists Jodi and Megan exposed the rot in the industry. Consequently, women assumed that rape and sexual abuse was the new normal for them to survive in Hollywood.

The irony of Justice

The cases of sexual abuse were common in Hollywood, but they were covered. Harvey's film production company corrupted the justice system to cover up mots cases. Jodi and Megan's investigations revealed that the authorities were aware of what was going on in Hollywood, but they were given bribes to keep quiet. The reader finds it satirical that institutions entrusted with protecting citizens' rights can do the opposite.

The normalization of sexual misconduct

It is not astonishing that women have assumed that sexual abuse is the new way of doing things in Hollywood for many years. It is disturbing that the abused can reach an extent of giving up and assuming that success is attained through the sexual exchange. Consequently, the reader thinks that there must be a review of the sexual conduct acts and the establishment of tougher measures that protect women from sexual predators.

The irony of the society

Through interviews, Jodi and Megan discovered that one of the reasons women shy away from sharing their experiences is society's ridicule. Besides threats from the executives who are the main perpetrators of sexual misconduct in Hollywood, society is another obstacle that makes the sexually abused women remain silent. Society is ready to laugh at women who openly talk about sexual abuse. Therefore, women are shy since they are seen as sluts who exchange sex for their success if they open up.

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